Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
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Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT) Sales Guide
For Internal Use Only
Printed in the U.S.A.
September 1, 1993
Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this
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merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard
shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
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or use of this material. Hewlett-Packard assumes no responsibility for
the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not
furnished by Hewlett-Packard
Copyright 1993 Hewlett-Packard Company.
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by
copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be
photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the
prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company. The information
contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
19420 Homestead Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014 U.S.A.
Printing History
New editions are complete revisions of the manual. Update packages,
which are issued between editions, contain additional and replacement
pages to be merged into the manual by the customer. The dates on the
title page change only when a new edition or a new update is published.
No information is incorporated into a reprinting unless it appears as a
prior update; the edition doesn't change when an update is incorporated.
Edition 1 September 1, 1990
Edition 2 September 11, 1991
Edition 3 February 27, 1992
Edition 4 March 11, 1993
Edition 5 June 15, 1993
Edition 6 September 1, 1993
The purpose of this document is to provide the HP Field Sales Force with
the information required to sell HP solutions that include HP's Applied
Computerized Telephony (ACT) products. It is an internal document to be
used by HP personnel and HP's Value Added Business partners. It
contains HP proprietary information and should only be provided to
partners under nondisclosure.
The first chapter discusses what ACT is and why you would want to spend
the time to understand ACT.
The second and third chapters describe the business problem and the
The last chapter describes the ACT sales cycle.
The appendixes contain all of the backup information you will need.
The illustrations contained in the main body of this document are
available in slide format for use in customer presentations.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Why should you care about ACT?
What is ACT?
Chapter 2 The Business Problem / Opportunity
What is the customer's business problem?
What is motivating the customer?
What customers have this problem?
Chapter 3 The HP / ACT Solution
Solution description
Components of the solution
Chapter 4 The ACT Sales Cycle
Lead generation
Quality / Conceptual close
Application selection
Appendix A ACT Products
Appendix B ACT Support Products
Appendix C ACT Consulting Services
Appendix D ACT Trained Field Contacts
Appendix E ACT Sales & Support Tools
Appendix F ACT Application Partners
Appendix G Telecom Vendors & Their Products
Appendix H Competitive Analysis
ACT Introduction
Why should you care about ACT?
ACT is a technology and a set of products that will help you sell
systems. ACT will allow you to provide your customers with a new and
exciting way of solving their customer service business problems. ACT
can be used to position HP as the strategic vendor in an account. ACT
will opens doors to sales opportunities in new and installed base
What is ACT?
ACT is a enabling technology and a set of products that allow an
organization to closely link their telephone system with their computer
ACT provides a tool set that allows application developers to easily
integrate this technology into their application system. These
integrated applications will improve the customer's overall efficiency
and customer service levels.
The Business Problem
What is the customer's business problem?
Just about every one of your customers has customers of their own. They
spend a lot of time and money communicating with them; whether it is to
sell products/services, support products/services, answer customer
inquiries or performing on-going business communications.
Two major trends are taking place today. The first is that more
business communication is being performed over the phone. This is being
driven by the rising cost of performing face-to-face contact. Two very
good examples of this are the increased uses of telemarketing and
teleservices like our own telesales centers and response centers.
The second major trend is that "customer service" is being viewed as a
major competitive differentiator. Customers want more timely, cost
effective and easy to use services from the vendors/service providers.
This has become an even more competitive issue in the 90's.
As companies move more toward customer contact via the telephone, a new
set of issues begins to emerge. Customers can begin to feel as though
they are receiving less personalized service. They can be put on hold
too long, transferred from agent to agent, department to department and
at each step along the way, have to repeat information over and over
again. Unless managed well, this telephone contact can result in a
very frustrating experience for the end customer.
The company's image that is being projected via "customer telephone
contact" can be a competitive advantage if it is a positive experience
or it can be a competitive disadvantage if it is a negative experience.
What is motivating the customer?
The dilemma that companies are facing is, how can they improve their
"customer service" image when at the same time they are being pressured
to reduce costs and to run a more cost effective operation?
Customer expectations - competitive pressures are forcing companies to
improve customer service levels to attract new customers or to keep the
customers they already have.
Operating costs - competitive pressures are also forcing companies to
reduce operating costs in order to provide cost competitive products /
services. The major cost of a call center is composed of personnel
costs and telecommunication costs. On the average the personnel cost
is about 40% of the call center's budget and telecom cost is another
Balance - You can offer your customers a way of addressing this dilemma.
You can show them how to reduce their telephone bill, improve their
productivity and at the same time improve their customer service levels.
They will be very interested in finding out how.
What customers have this problem?
We tend to think that the large telemarketing firms are the only ones
with this business problem. Not true; just list the accounts you have
or are trying to penetrate. How many of them conduct business over the
phone? How many of them have 800 numbers? How many of them provide
customer assistance over the phone? More then you may think. Let's
take a look at some examples:
Manufacturing -
Financial Services
Publishing / newspapers ...
Service / travel / real estate
Customer relations
Customer services
Product support
Dealer support
Account transaction
Account inquiries
Catalog fulfillment
Order processing
Order inquiries
This is by no means a complete list.
As you can see, many organizations have this problem. I'll bet that if
you sit down right now and list out your own customers, most of them
have at least one and probably more than one operation doing a similar
type of function.
The HP/ACT Solution
The Solution
Your customer may have an inbound call center like a support response
center or they may have an outbound function like collections. We will
discuss both types of solutions separately, but keep in mind that most
organizations are doing both and would like to share the same resources
between them.
Inbound Solution
The inbound call center solution needs to provide the most efficient
management of customer calls and at the same time have the customers
feel as though they are getting better service than they have been
getting or can get elsewhere.
There are three ways of accomplishing this.
The first way is to route the customer call to the right person the
first time and not require them to repeat the same information to every
person they talk to. We can route calls based on data base information,
like which agent is best trained to answer a particular question or who
is currently handling this customer.
The second way is to automatically provide the agent with the customer's
data base information as the call is being answered, thus eliminating
unnecessary questions and time consuming data base retrieval steps.
The third way is if the customer needs to be transferred let's not have
them quizzed all over again. Let's automatically transfer screen
information along with the call, thus eliminating unnecessary questions
and even more data base retrieval time.
The basic concept is to have the computer work in conjunction with the
telephone system to provide a more efficient and intelligent operation.
In some environments an entire clerical staff is in place only to screen
and route calls. This can be eliminated or drastically reduced. Calls
can be handled more efficiently resulting in a significant reduction in
call duration.
A reduction in the call duration equates to better productivity. The
average call can be reduced by about 30 seconds. This means that you
can handle more calls with the same number of people or the same volume
of calls with less people.
The reduction in call duration also affects the telephone bill.
Because the call is shortened by about 30 seconds the bill is also
shortened. Again bottom line cost savings!
Lets look at a call transfer, again the call duration is reduced
resulting in bottom line savings!
The ACT Sales Brochure has a very good description of the business
benefits and includes benefit analysis work sheets to help you and your
customer figure out what the potential savings could be for their
Lets spend a little time explaining how this is accomplished.
As a call comes in from the telephone network, the calling number (ANI-
Automatic Number Identification) and the called number (DNIS-Dialed
Number Identification Service) are passed from the telephone switch
(PBX) to the computer application via ACT. The application can use
these numbers to identify who is calling and why they are calling. The
application can then help the telephone switch route the call to the
correct person/group or simply deliver the data base information to the
agent's workstation as the call is being delivered.
Outbound Solution
On the outbound side, the objective is to improve agent productivity and
increase revenue. This means being able to have agents contact more
customers by automating the laborious and repetitive tasks like dialing
the number and listening to the no answers and busy's thus allowing the
agents to do more productive work.
ACT allows a computer application to make a call on behalf of a specific
This can be as simple as placing the call from the computer screen
rather than looking up the customer number and manually dialing the
phone. This is more convenient and pleasant for the agent but unless
the agent is making a lot of calls there is not a lot of productivity
Where we start to see significant productivity gains is when an agent
has a list of customers that need to be contacted. An application can
use a file or data base to launch the calls and bring up the associated
customer information at the same time automatically. This can result in
a large gain in productivity and revenue (i.e. more sales, more policies
renewed, more call backs completed ...).
The third scenario is when there is a list of customers to contact and a
pool of agents. In this case the solution is to keep the agents busy
talking to customers. There can be a separate outbound dialing
application launching the calls. Once a call is completed the system
delivers the call and data base information automatically. There are
lots of organizations that can use this solution, like collections or
Components of the solution
So now you're asking "What does this solution consist of?"
Telephone Network - A key component to the overall solution is the
telephone network. Now don't tune out, you don't have to be a
telephony expert, but you do need to understand some basics. The client
will be calling in through the public telephone network and routed to
either a PBX ( private telephone switch ) or a CENTREX service ( a
telephone company's business phone service ). This will probably be an
800 number service and the telephone switch will have a function called
ACD ( Automatic Call Distribution ) to queue the call and deliver it to
the next available agent. We have all called a company and heard "All
of our agents are busy, please wait and your call will be handled by the
next available agent." Well this was an ACD function allowing more
calls to be handled by a smaller number of agents.
ACT - The next components are the ACT products. ACT works in conjunction
with the telephone switch and the ACD to provide the computer
application with the interface tools needed to link the application to
the telephone network / switch.
The ACT products consist of an ACT Server and an Application Programming
Interface (API).
Refer to Appendix A "ACT Products" for product numbers, options & other
product details.
Application Servers - The next component is the application itself. The
application can be an existing application, a new application yet to be
written or a third party application package. The ACT API provides an
easy to use tool kit that is used by the application developer to
integrate telephony functions into the application.
Refer to Appendix F "ACT Application Partners" for more details on ACT
application providers.
Network Servers - In many, but not all, environments an "OLD" host
application/database needs to be integrated into the overall solution.
This can best be accomplished by use of a network server that takes 3270
screen information and displays it in a window on the agents
workstation, PC or X-terminal.
Workstations - The workstation can be a terminal, a PC or a UNIX
workstation. This will depend on how the application has been written.
For customers that have large IBM host data bases the workstation
solution provides the best integration solution because the 3270 screens
can be integrated into X-windows nicely.
Other Servers - Other servers may be part of the overall solution
including image servers that display documents or pictures.
Remember, ACT is not the total solution, it is an enabling technology
and set of telephony integration products that allow you to offer a more
complete solution to your customers business problems. This in turn
will help you sell systems.
Multivendor Team Effort
ACT solutions are by nature a multivendor team effort. They require HP
computers, the telecom vendor's telephone switch, the telephone
company's network services and the applications provider's software to
provide the customer with the total solution.
The ACT Products are developed and tested in tight coordination with the
telephone switch manufacturers. We have established joint support
programs to ensure timely resolution of support issues. We also work
closely with application providers to have them implement ACT technology
into their application.
A key differentiator in this type of sale is the ability to provide the
overall coordination of this multivendor environment. For this reason
we have data sheeted and packaged ACT Consulting products for you to
sell along with the ACT products. This will position you as the
strategic vendor in the account.
Refer to Appendix C "ACT Consulting Services" for more details and
Appendix D "ACT Trained Field Contacts" to identify who can deliver
these consulting services.
The ACT Sales Cycle
The ACT sales cycle is not unlike any other sales cycle, however there
are a few strategies that we recommend. First the decision maker is
the functional manager of the organization responsible for customer
service / contact. The MIS and telecom managers are recommendors and
typically not the driving force for the sale.
Lead Generation
The best source for a lead is yourself. Sit down and list out your own
customers. Now, think of where in those accounts ACT can help. You'll
find a good list of leads this way. Then, identify the functional
managers responsible for these areas.
If you are in a new business area, list the customers in your area and
do the same thing.
Another source of leads will develop with your telecom counterpart. The
telecom sales rep is very close to these functional areas because a good
deal of the budget is telephone costs. It will be very useful to
establish a good working relationship with the local telecom sales rep.
Another source of leads is the application partners that have
implemented ACT. In addition to new business, you should make a list of
their installed base in your area and go after these customers. This
can be a very profitable installed base program.
Qualify/Conceptual Close
In addition to the usual qualification items like budget, business need,
decision maker...it is very important to complete a "Conceptual Close"
at this step. The conceptual close is to insure that the functional
manager truly sees the benefit of the ACT solution and wants to
implement it. This is very important because the technical staff will
always have more to do than they can ever get done and you will need to
have ACT positioned high on the priority list.
The ACT Sales Brochure with the Inbound & Outbound Call Management
worksheets can be used here to develop a value analysis.
The next major qualification is to determine what type of telephone
switch equipment the organization has.
If they have a Northern Telecom or an AT&T PBX then that's great,
If they are using CENTREX from their telephone company that is also
great, proceed.
If it is another PBX switch, don't give up because the customer may be
willing to bring in another PBX to front end their current switch with
a smaller PBX or CENTREX from the telephone company.
Refer to Appendix G "Telecom Vendors and Their Products" for more
detail on telephone switch products.
So, there are two key qualifiers to look for in addition to your
standard ones:
Functional Manager's conceptual close
Compatible Telephone System
Application Selection
The next step in the sales process is to determine whether the
application will be supplied by an "in-house" application development
organization or a third party Value Added Business (VAB).
In-House - If it is an in-house application you will need to work with
the MIS organization to have them implement ACT. This may be a new
application or an extension to an existing application.
The first step is to provide some technical background to the MIS and
Telecom organizations. You can use the "ACT Slide Presentation" and
ACT Data Sheets identified in Appendix E "ACT Sales Tools". You may
want to get the help of an ACT trained SE identified in Appendix D
"ACT Trained Field Contacts".
The next step is to have the programmer / analyst attend an ACT Training
class which will give them an in-depth understanding of ACT and how to
implement it.
If they need more assistance, we have data sheeted "ACT Application
Assistance" a consulting service that you can quote and trained HP SE's
can deliver (see Appendix D for a list of ACT Trained Field Contacts).
You should recommend that they install the ACT products before the
application is developed. This will provide a test facility for
prototyping and testing the feature/functionality of their application.
This will also lock them into HP's ACT product and close the door on
IBM's CallPath or DEC's CIT.
VAB Applications - The customer may wish to purchase their application
form a third party or have a third party provide system integration or
project management services. We have recruited a number of third
parties who have either implemented ACT or are in the process of
A list of ACT Partners is contained in Appendix F "ACT Application
Partners". They include:
Independent Software Vendors (ISV's)
Value Added Resellers (VAR's)
System Integrators (SI's)
If your customer is using or wants to use a third party that is not
listed, simply have your customer request that the third party
implement ACT. We can teach any third party to implement ACT into
their application. We'll then add them to the list.
As discussed earlier, the total solution consists of at least three
HP Products
The Application
Telephone System
With the exception of a VAR who could quote both the application and HP
Products, there will be three separate quotes. It is important that
these quotes be synchronized in the customer's eyes. The customer will
most likely look to each party for their own component, however a close
working relationship between all three can be a competitive advantage
for HP.
The HP quote should include:
HP computer products
HP LAN products
HP ACT products
HP ACT Support products
HP ACT Consulting products
We have sales worksheets and detailed data sheets on the above
consulting products which will make it easier for you to justify them
to your customers.
If the VAR quotes HP products make sure they also quote the ACT
consulting products or assume full responsibility for their execution
in the customers mind.
The telephone system component will be quoted by the Telephone Company
or a PBX distributor.
Your first ACT account will require some getting acquainted time with
your telephony counterpart, however the follow-on deals will be much
easier and they will end up bringing you into accounts after you have
developed a working relationship.
The important thing to remember is that although this is a coordinated
effort, HP gets its revenue from HP products and services. Your
partners will focus on their part of the sale. You should too.
Insure that the customer orders all of the HP products and services
at once. This will eliminate the need for you to go back in later and
resell the solution.
It is a good idea to have the customer order and implement the ACT to
switch infrastructure before the application needs it. This will reduce
the complexity and provide a test environment for the application
Insure that the ACT consulting services are ordered. This will insure
that you have the technical resources needed to deliver the solution.
ACT implementation is a multivendor team effort. HP does not require
a customer to purchase ACT consulting with the ACT products. If not
purchased from HP, you should insure that the customer's expectations
are properly set and that they understand that they are assuming
responsibility for these functions. ACT Consulting Services include:
ACT Assessment
ACT Project Management
ACT Application Assistance
Remember that ACT Project Management's last step is a demonstration to
the customer that all components (network, telephone switch, ACT, LAN
and HP computers) are functioning. This is the customer delivery
sign-off. Because the application may take longer to gain sign off,
it should be separated from the ACT sign-off.
Refer to Appendix C "ACT Consulting Products" for a detailed
explanation of these services and Appendix D "ACT Trained Field
Contacts" for a list of field personnel that can deliver them.
ACT can help you sell systems!
Remember to focus on the customer's business needs and not the
technology. The functional manager is the decision maker.
Time to market is critical in this area. Our competition will try to
use their ACT like products (CallPath/IBM CIT/DEC) to lock the
customer into an AS/400 or VMS proprietary solution. Don't let them
get a foot hold or you will find it very difficult to break in later.
Refer to Appendix H "Competitive Analysis" for a detailed competitive
Remember that a good working relationship with your telecom partners
can be your competitive advantage. Develop those relationships. They
will bring you a lot of business. It is a team effort.
Appendix A ACT Products
ACT Products
An ACT installation requires one ACT Server and one ACT API for each
application processor.
The ACT Call Processing Server is a pre-configured server bundle
(hardware and software) that is customer installable. It is based on
an HP-UX processor although the customer does not need to know HP-UX
at all.
The ACT Server communicates with the API's over a LAN connection,
therefore you will need to insure that the HP3000 and /or HP9000 has a
LAN link connection. Because ACT utilizes standard TCP/IP sockets /
NETIPC upper level networking services are not required.
The ACT Architecture is based on a client / server model. All of the
switch specific code and interfaces are localized in the ACT Server.
The API's are switch independent. The key value added of the
architecture is to make it easy for the customer to implement, support
and to protect their investment in the application. When a standard
switch to computer interface becomes available the server can be
updated and the API / application is buffered from this evolution.
The ACT Products are subject to discounts available on both VEU & VAR
Discounts Schedules ( Exhibits A1000 and A1001 ) under column I on both
Shipment outside North America is currently restricted. Contact
factory for more information.
ACT Servers:
Product # Description Price
32044B ACT Server for Northern Telecom PBX $30,000
32045B* ACT Server for Northern Telecom CO $30,000
J2122A ACT Server for AT&T PBX $30,000
* Contact Factory before ordering
HP3000 API
HP32077A ACT CP API for HP3000/iX N/C
opt. 310 For Tier 1 SPU's $ 2,200
opt. 315 For Tier 2 SPU's $ 3,999
opt. 320 For Tier 3 SPU's $ 5,498
opt. 330 For Tier 4 SPU's $ 9,997
opt. 335 For Tier 5 SPU's $12,476
opt. 340 For Tier 6 SPU's $14,995
opt. 350 For Tier 7 SPU's $21,492
opt. AA1 1/2" mag tape 1600 bpi N/C
opt. AAH DAT cartridge tape N/C
opt. OCD Upgrade credit for opt. 310 -$ 2,200
opt. OGJ Upgrade credit for opt. 315 -$ 3,999
opt. OCE Upgrade credit for opt. 320 -$ 5,770
opt. OCF Upgrade credit for opt. 330 -$10,500
opt. OGL Upgrade credit for opt. 335 -$13,100
opt. OGM Upgrade credit for opt. 340 -$14,995
HP9000 API
HP32046A HP9000 ACT Call Processing API N/C
opt. AHN Series 700 Processors $ 1,995
opt. AHO For Tier 1 SPU's $ 1,995
opt. AE5 For Tier 2 SPU's $ 9,995
opt. AEP For Tier 3 SPU's $19,995
opt. AA0 1/4" cartridge tape N/C
opt. AA1 1/2" mag tape 1600 bpi N/C
opt. AAH DAT cartridge tape N/C
opt. OGR Upgrade credit for opt. AHO -$ 1,995
opt. OC8 Upgrade credit for opt. AE5 -$ 9,995
Appendix B ACT Support Products
There are three basic categories of support products related to the ACT
The first category is Initial Purchase Support Products which are
available only at the time of the initial purchase. These are options
to the ACT products. In addition to providing a simple way to quote
and order support, you also earn commission on them. These should
always be quoted and sold with every ACT product.
The second category is Multivendor Network Support which is available
anytime; however it too should be included with every quote. If the
customer does not purchase multivendor support you should clearly set
their expectations that they are assuming responsibility for
multivendor fault isolation and problem management.
The third category is Ongoing Support Products which are used to
provide support after the initial year or if support was not ordered
with the product.
Add these options to the 32044B and J2122A ACT Server products:
opt 0S0 License / Next Day System Support - 1 year
opt 0S1 License / Same Day System Support - 1 year
opt 0S5 License / 24x7 System Support - 1 year
opt 0S2 Telephone / Next Day System Support - 1 year
opt 0S3 Telephone / Same Day System Support - 1 year
opt 0S6 Telephone / 24x7 System Support - 1 year
opt 0S4 Installation - System and Network
Add these options to the 32046A and 32077A ACT API products:
opt 0S1 License to Use System Support - 1 year
opt 0S3 Telephone Assist System Support - 1 year
opt 0S6 Telephone / 24x7 System Support - 1 year
opt 0S4 Installation - System and Network
Multivendor Network Support
ACT Servers 32044B+16A $ 76 *
J2122A+16A $ 76 *
PBX Network Startup 50052P+16A $3,075
* These are included in ACT Server purchase with option 0S4.
Note: Be sure to quote NetStartup for each application system
LAN link.
ACT Servers 32044A+16B $ 41
32044B+16B $ 41
J2122A+16B $ 41
PBX Network Connection 50052P+16B $162
PBX Network Connection(24/7) 50052P+16K $203
Note: Be sure an quote NetAssure for each application system
LAN Link.
1 - Installation: 32044B+17A $250
J2122A+17A $330
Note: These are included in ACT Server purchase with option 0S4.
2 - ACT Server Hardware (select one):
Priority Plus (24 hours) 32044A+02G $129
Priority (8AM - 9PM) 32044A+02A $102
Next Day (8AM - 5PM) 32044A+02C $ 54
Scheduled 32044A+02L T&M
Priority Plus (24 hours) 32044B+02G $121
Priority (8AM - 9PM) 32044B+02A $ 96
Next Day (8AM - 5PM) 32044B+02C $ 53
Scheduled 32044B+02L T&M
Priority Plus (24 hours) J2122A+02G $121
Priority (8AM - 9PM) J2122A+02A $ 96
Next Day (8AM - 5PM) J2122A+02C $ 53
Scheduled J2122A+02L T&M
3 - An active HP hardware support contract on the HP3000 or HP9000
application system.
Software Update Service:
1 - ACT Server Software Update Service H2089A+S00
opt 101 NT PBX $36
opt 102 AT&T PBX $36
opt AA0 1/4" tape cartridge $15
opt AAH DAT cartridge $15
2 - ACT API Software Update Service H2088A+L00
opt 101 $82
3 - An active HP Software Update Service for the HP3000 or HP9000
application system.
Service Level:
1 - ACT Server Response Line Support H2087A+H00
opt 101 Server for NT PBX $164
opt 102 Server for AT&T PBX $164
2 - ACT API Response Line Support H2087A+H00
opt 200 MPE-XL API Low-End $ 46
opt 201 MPE-XL API Mid-Range $154
opt 202 MPE-XL API High-End $231
opt 203 MPE V $231
opt 300 HP-UX API Series 300/400/700 $ 36
opt 301 HP-UX API Low-End 800S $ 36
opt 302 HP-UX API Mid-Range 800S $113
opt 303 HP-UX API High-End 800S $205
Note: The above prices are subject to change. Refer to the CPL for
the most up-to-date pricing.
Appendix C ACT Consulting Services
ACT Consulting Services:
ACT consulting services should be quoted if the customer wants HP to
provide these services. If they are not purchased make sure that the
customer has contracted with another entity to provide them (VAR,
Systems Integrator or Telecom Vendor). If the customer is planning to
do these functions themselves make sure that expectations are properly
It is highly recommended that these be quoted with every ACT quote.
There is an "ACT Implementation - Multivendor Coordination" work sheet
that will help you position and sell these services. There are also
ACT Consulting data sheets available to help you describe in detail what
each service provides. Prices are on a custom quote basis.
ACT Assessment is used to identify all of the details of each component
(ACT, computer systems, data networks, switches, voice network and
application) and to provide a complete coordinated requirements
assessment. Try and sell this with the other products. You may find
that you will need to deliver this before the customer will purchase
the rest of the products. Use Consultline H2355A Module N.
ACT Project Management is used to provide the overall project
coordination between the different parties and provides a final sign
off for the ACT installation, not including the application. Use
Consultline H2355A module 9.
ACT Application Assistance is used to provide the application developer
with application design assistance. There are three general areas where
this consulting can be sold. First, to help developers with the high
level system design. Second, to help the developer with detailed design
for specific programming implementations. Third, to provide on-going
application assistance. Use ConsultLine H2405A module N.
ACT Technical Training is a class offered by HP (factory) to train
application developers and technical support individuals on the ACT
products. A data sheet is available.
There is an ACT data sheet called ACT Ongoing Support which can be used
to set customer expectations and position product support, multivendor
support (NetAssure) and application assistance as the total support
Appendix D ACT Trained Field Contacts
Region / Area Sales / Technical Phone Number
Neely / Golden Gate S = Phil Aramoonie (415) 694-2586 CA
T = Seth Munter (415) 882-6877 CA
T = Ed Hillard (415) 694-2304 CA
T = Jim Clark (415) 494-2597 CA
Neely / Southern Calif S = Mark Richter (818) 880-3473 CA
T = Randy Shamansky (714) 472-3084 CA
Neely / Pacific Northwest S = John Renshaw (206) 643-8875 WA
T = Paul Wolossow (503) 598-8274 OR
Midwest S = Pat Demski (708) 357-2733 IL
S = Karen Klukiewicz (708) 357-2268 IL
S = Lamar Boettner (612) 641-9788 MN
S = Steve Brunker (513) 891-0214 OH
T = Steve Beasley (309) 662-9411 IL
T = Bill Weddington (502) 426-0100 KY
T = Jon Poland (816) 344-5186 MO
T = Tim Oberle (816) 737-4653 MO
T = Bob Greenwald (414) 792-0241 WI
Southern T = George Boney (404) 246-5271 GA
T = Gary England (404) 246-5240 GA
Eastern T = Ton Zwaard (410) 362-7539 MD
T = Cos Canciellere (201) 599-5403 NJ
T = Merrill Wettasinghe (908) 562-6120 NJ
T = Pete Borowski (908) 562-6216 NJ
T = Mary LaPorte (617) 221-5134 MA
Mtn View Response Center T = Colin Wynd (415) 691-3026 CA
T = Joe Reves (415) 691-3123 CA
Atlanta Response Center T = Mike Haag (404) 850-2203 GA
T = Gary Martin (404) 850-2617 GA
T = Dick Rhoads (404) 850-2310 GA
Australia T = Brett Hardman 02 809 5140
Canada T = Steve Shaw (416) 678-9430
T = Ralph Knox (416) 479-1770
France S = Jean-Jacque Garnier 33 1 698 26168
T = Frederic Fimes 33 1
T = Veronique Schoffit 33 1 698 26060
Germany T = Hans-Peter Dolle 49 2102 441-678
T = Stephan Winters 49 2102 441-778
Norway T = Per Eilert Karlsen 47 67 159 700
Japan T = Hiroshi Hashimoto 81 3 366-3093
UK T = Thomas Young 44 344 362428
T = Stephen Mitchell 44 344 361672
T = Simon Reid 44 344 362168
Appendix E ACT Sales & Support Tools
ACT Sales Tools How to get it
=============== =============
ACT Sales Guide On Request PowerTools
ACT Slide Presentation "ACTSLIDE" Network HOTLINE(HPDesk)
ACT Demo-Cupertino Visit Cntr On Request Bob Alley 408-447-3167
ACT Demo Video Tape I221 Gladys Ranger 415-857-6159
ACT Sales Brochure 5091-2073 On Request from ACT group
ACT Inbound Call Mgmt Wksheet 5091-2074 HP FIRST (33700)
ACT Outbound Call Mgmt Wksheet 5091-2075 HP FIRST (33701)
ACT Implementation-Multivendor Wksheet HP FIRST (Check index
39992 for ID #)
ACT-CP Data Sheet AT&T-PBX 5091-5227EUS NSGuide, HP FIRST (33702)
ACT-CP Data Sheet NT-PBX 5952-1913 NSGuide, HP FIRST (31696)
ACT-CP Data Sheet NT-CO 5091-1372EUS NSGuide, HP FIRST (31695)
ACT Support Tools How to get it
================= =============
ACT Assessment Data Sheet NSGuide, HP FIRST (31698)
ACT Project Mgmt Data Sheet NSGuide, HP FIRST (31699)
ACT On Going Support Data Sheet NSGuide, HP FIRST (31702)
ACT Application Design Data Sheet NSGuide, HP FIRST (31700)
ACT Technical Training Data Sheet NSGuide, HP FIRST (31701)
ACT Technical Training Class Scheduled w/May Lee 408-447-2370
ACT Training Video Tapes (1/91) Area Learning Ctrs
ACT Training Video Tapes (8/91) Area Learning Ctrs
HP FIRST is a FAX back information service. Call (800) 333-1917 or (208) 244-
4809 and enter the document ID listed above.
Cntr = Center Mgmt = Management
Wksheet = Worksheet NSGuide = Networking Spec Guide
Appendix F ACT Application Partners
This appendix identifies the third party partners that have already
implemented or are in the process of implementing an ACT solution.
On the following pages are provided details of the partner's products
and key contacts.
ACT partners can fall into one or more of the following categories:
Independent Software Vendor (ISV), they provide only application
Value Added Reseller (VAR), they sell HP systems along with application
Systems Integrator (SI), this type of partner will integrate products
from HP as well as other vendors. These partners can also provide
development resources to develop or modify existing software.
ACT Partners
Answer Computer Inc. (ISV) *
Brock Control Systems (ISV) **
Cambridge Technology Partners (SI) *
Distribution Resources Company (VAR) *
Information Management Associates Inc. (VAR) *
Metrix Customer Support Systems Inc. (ISV) *
Smith Gardner & Associates (VAR) ******
Technology Solutions Company (SI) *
Wesson, Taylor, Well & Associates (SI) ***
* indicates number of ACT accounts at publication time
Answer Computer Inc.
1263 Oakmead Parkway
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Contacts: Arlen Beylerian Marketing 1-800-677-2679
Product: Apriori
A family of problem solving, knowledge sharing applications designed to
automate help desk and customer support departments. Apriori tracks
and manages problems from an incoming call through complete problem
resolution. It captures and shares customer and product knowledge and
provides multiple problem solving methods that allow support teams to
solve over 80% of problems on the first call.
Industries: Manufacturing, Retail, Banking, Petrochemical and others.
Functional Areas: Customer Service, Help Desk,
Features: Heuristic problem solving
Tracks calls, problems, solutions, customer profiles
Search capabilities (keyword, cross-referencing, symptoms...)
Communication & escalation (auto-notify, call followup,
w/e-mail or fax)
Accountability (call, problem, solution history, user
activity, etc.)
System Administration (backup, data export/import, archive..)
Management reports
GUI user interface
Integrates with HP OpenView Node Manager
HP Platforms: HP9000 X-windows user interface
Brock Control Systems
2859 Paces Ferry Road; Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30339
Contacts: Stephanie Zehna Brock Interface 800-221-0775
Dawn Haeberle HP Vab Rep 404-246-5231
Product: Brock Activity Manager Series Software (BAM)
Software solution designed to automate sales, marketing and customer
support processes.
Industries: Manufacturing, Financial, Insurance, Travel, Hospitality,
Publishing and others.
Functional Areas: Telemarketing, Sales & Marketing Information
Management, Order Processing, Account Management,
Customer Support
Features: Central relational database (using Informix, Oracle, Ingres,
Sybase or Progress)
Full complement of lead generation, tracking, forecasting,
report writing, & analysis functions
File transfer to-and-from remote locations
Customizable menus, screen layouts, reports & file formats
Can service 1-100+ concurrent users
Also runs on MS-DOS
HP Platforms: HP9000 Terminal user interface
Cambridge Technology Partners Inc.
304 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Contacts: Craig Lunde HP Accnt Mgr 617-374-8301
Roger Hoeberichts ACT Consultant 617-374-9800
John Spindler HP Vab Rep 617-221-5003
Product: Systems Integration
Specializing in open systems information technology.
Industries: Telecom, Financial Services and others.
Functional Areas: Customer Service, Account Management
Features: Specializes in strategic applications
Information integration (leveraging existing systems)
Comprehensive migration services
Unprecedented time frames (can deliver solution in 1/4
the time of conventional time frames)
Consensus driven systems (what everyone wants--Execs, IS,
Users, etc.)
Solutions built on three-tiered client/server architecture,
open systems and standards.
HP Platforms: HP9000 terminal/windows/X-windows user interface
Distribution Resources Company (DRC)
6061 South Willow Drive; Suite 100
Englewood, CO 80111
Contacts: John Palley 303-889-4552
Melinda Hawkins HP Vab Rep 303-649-5736
Product: Systems for Distributors (SFD/3000)
A fully-integrated distribution management software system for HP 3000.
Designed to improve company performance by offering total operational
control of all aspects of your business.
Industries: Wholesale & Retail Distribution, Office Products, Paper
Products, Electrical Products, Industrial Products, Medical
Products ...
Functional Areas: Complete turnkey system
Features: Client / Server Applications
Point of Sale applications
Inventory Management
Powerful management & marketing tool to improve productivity,
enhance cash flow, incorporate branch or warehouse
Available on TurboIMAGE & ALLBASE/SQL
HP Platform: HP3000 terminal/windows user interface
Information Management Associates Inc. (IMA)
17550 Newhope Street, Suite A
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Contacts: Andrei Poludnewycz Executive VP 714-549-3068
Ted Luchsinger HP Vab Rep 203-325-5624
Product: EDGE TeleBusiness Software System
Application generator to meet inbound & outbound telemarketing,
telesales and customer service needs for any organization using the
telephone to conduct business.
Industries: Financial Services, Telecommunications, Manufacturing,
Insurance, Distribution (wholesale), Non-profit
Organizations (Fund Raising) and others.
Functional Areas: Customer Service, Lead Management, Direct Marketing,
Telemarketing/Sales, Account Management, Database
Segmentation, Field Sales Automation, Market Research
Features: Allows users to design customized solutions for sales,
marketing, customer service and other business functions
Graphical user interface for easy database, screen and report
creation, sophisticated scripting, call list processing,
literature fulfillment and management reporting
Integration w/ACD's, VRU's, ISDN, FAX, preview & predictive
File transfer to-and-from other systems
HP Platforms HP9000 terminal/windows/Mac user interface
Metrix Customer Support Systems Inc. (MCSS)
20975 Swenson Drive
Waukesha, WI 53186
Contacts: Harvey Shovers VP Sales 414-798-8560
Ted Tagasaki HP Vab Rep 708-255-2472
Product: OpenUPTIME
Completely integrated customer service management system. Modules
included are Call-Taking, Service Orders, Maintenance Agreements and
Logistics, Help Desk and Depot Repair.
Industries: Manufacturing and other Service/Repair Organizations.
Functional Areas: Account/Contract Management, Customer technical
support, Repair Center, Help Desk
Features: Log customer requests for service
Check to see if warranty/service contract applies
Dispatch technicians on-line
Download call information to field technician's laptop
Capture details of work performed
Replenish parts inventory
Establish & maintain service contracts
Schedule preventative maintenance visits
HP Platform: HP3000 terminal/windows/x-windows user interface
HP9000 terminal/windows/x-windows user interface
Smith Gardner & Associates
5455 North Federal Highway; #M
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Contacts: Lee LeFaivre Dir of Mktg 407-241-9505
Ron Kessinger HP Vab Rep 305-938-2209
Product: Mail-order and Catalog System (MACS)
Complete turnkey software product to automate a mail order business.
Modules include Advertising & Sales, Merchandising & Purchasing,
Accounting, Telemarketing & Ordering, Warehousing & Shipping,
Production, & Operations.
Industries: Catalog Fulfillment and Wholesale/Retail Distribution.
Functional Areas: Complete turnkey system
Features: User defined screens & reports
Allows transfer of customer record with a phone call transfer
Reports can be customized for customers
User Controlled Color Screens--colors to enhance logic flow
User Controlled Systems Actions & Reactions
User Defined Barometers--bar graphs to depict vital factors
HP Platform: HP3000 Terminal user interface
Technology Solutions Company (TSC)
205 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Contacts: Tom Whitney Sr VP Sales & Mktg 312-819-7103
Doug Brown Principal 800-735-2250 x 4915
Steve Chacho HP Vab Rep 708-255-9845 x 2152
Product: Systems Integrator
Top client/server integrator competes with Arthur Anderson & EDS. They
were in Inc's "Top 5 Fastest Growing Companies" in 1992.
Industries: Service Industries, Financial Services and others.
Functional Areas: Consumer Service, Order Entry, Fulfillment and
distribution, Direct Marketing, Field Service
Features: Client/server call agent systems
Two-way voice data gateways
Mobile data
HP Platform: All HP Platforms Windows/X--windows user interface
Wesson, Taylor, Wells & Assoc. (WTW)
P.O. Box 23587
Columbia, SC 29224
Contacts: Harv Wells Sr VP Mktg 803-699-5781
Dave Pansen HP Vab Rep 704-559-7426
Product: Systems Integration
Major consulting/software development firm with a proven track record
and a wide range of services.
Industries: Manufacturing (process/discrete), Distribution, Warehousing,
Financial Services and others.
Functional Areas: Customer Service, Help Desk, Service/Repair
Organizations, Support (Customer/Technical), Outbound
telemarketing features
Features: Pre-sale support to field sales through qualifying and sizing
Re-engineering enterprise-wide data sharing
Project management implementation (prime or sub)
Custom application development
I.T. Strategic Planning
Migration/Re-hosting through re-engineering, automated
migration tools, package replacement
Computer-Telephone Integration
HP Platform: All HP platforms terminal/windows/X-windows user interface
Appendix G Telecom Vendors & Their Products
The ACT products work in conjunction with telephone switches; therefore
it is important to understand these vendors and their products. The
interworking is composed of two pieces, the computer side and the switch
side. Each vendor has a different name for their product so it is
important to understand this nomenclature.
Telecom switch vendors provide three different types of telephone
switches: Central office switches, PBX's and ACD's. There are switch to
host interfaces available on all three, although the bulk of the
business today is being provided by the PBX vendors.
Central Office Switches
If a customer does not want to own and operate the telephone system,
they can "rent" the telephone service from their local telephone
company. The telephone company uses a telephone switch located in
their office called a Central Office switch (CO switch).
Central Office switch vendors:
AT&T with 47% Market Share
NT with 36% Market Share
These switches are sold to Local Operating Companies and are located at
the telephone companies' location. The telephone company then sells
services to their customers. These services are commonly referred to
as CENTREX services and they provide their customers with the same type
of enhanced functionality that is available on PBX's. They also
provide CENTREX ACD services.
The Northern Telecom CO switch is called a DMS100.
The AT&T CO switch is called a 5ESS.
In the Central Office market, NT is the only vendor with an ACT-like
product today called CompuCall. It is estimated that AT&T will not
have a product until at least 1994.
Although the interface is available today, it is not generally available
in all locations; you should check to see if the local operating
company can provide the service to your customer.
PBX Telephone Switches
If the customer wants to own and operate their own telephone system,
they purchase a PBX (Private Branch Exchange). A customer will
purchase a PBX because it is more cost effective or because they want
features that are not available from their local telephone company.
The leading PBX vendors in the US market are:
AT&T with 29% Market Share
NT with 22% Market Share
ROLM/SIEMENS with 14% Market Share
AT&T is the market leader. They sell their PBX's through a direct sales
force and have strong ties to their customer base. This same sales
force is responsible for selling their computer products. For new
computer installations, AT&T may compete with us for that business. For
our installed base and where the customer has selected HP as their
computer vendor, AT&T will partner with us to provide our joint
customers with the total solution.
Northern Telecom is number two in the market. They sell their products
through distributors. Most RBOC's sell NT PBX's except PACBell & NYNEX
which have joint ventures with NT to distribute them. Because NT uses
distributors, they are not as close to their customer base. In fact,
they may not even know who the end customer is. Service and support
are also provided by their distributors. For major accounts, NT has
established a Major Accounts Program with assigned account
representatives that work with the customer and the distributors.
ROLM/SIEMENS is the next in line. When IBM purchased ROLM they
created a switch to host interface called CallPath which allowed IBM
to sell the entire solution. When IBM sold ROLM to SIEMENS, the old
ROLM was split into two companies.
"ROLM Company" was 50% owned by SIEMENS and 50% owned by IBM. It is
the sales and marketing side of the old ROLM. It can sell both ROLM
and IBM products. In 1992, SIEMENS purchased the remaining 50%.
"ROLM Systems" is 100% owned by SIEMENS and is the PBX product side of
the old ROLM. It is starting to merge its products with the existing
SIEMENS PBX product lines.
ROLM Systems has quickly shifted from only working with IBM, when it
was owned by IBM, to a multi computer strategy. We currently do not
have an ACT interface with ROLM/SIEMENS although both companies
continue to work on the cost justification.
ACD Switches
The next type of telephone switch is called an ACD (Automatic Call
Distributor). It is a specialized telephone switch that is used in
call centers. Its primary mission is to queue incoming calls and evenly
distribute them to available agents. These are very specialized
switches and are only used in call center environments. PBX and CO
switches also provide ACD functionality.
The leading ACD vendors include:
Rockwell -- the leader in very large call center ACD's
Aspect -- the leader in the small/medium ACD market
We currently do not have interfaces to these ACD switches.
Note - An interesting aspect of this market is that all of the switch
vendors would like to be both in the switch business and the computer
business (i.e. AT&T/NCR, SIEMENS). Because of this, our switch vendor
partners may sometimes also be our competitors. Some are easier to
work with than others and a lot depends on how well their local sales
channel/office works with ours/you. A good working relationship can
actually bring in new business for you. Remember, their main business
is selling switches and they understand that business well. They also
understand that their customers prefer working with mainstream computer
On the following pages we will discuss each key telecom vendor's switch
to computer product and any related products.
Northern Telecom - Meridian Link Module
Product Description:
Meridian Link Module is the call processing link product for the
Northern Telecom PBX. It is a hardware/software product that is
added to the Meridian 1 PBX. It is available for all NT PBX's except
the SL-100 PBX (which uses the CompuCall product - see next product).
Older SL1 PBX's can be upgraded to the Meridian 1.
The Median Link Module requires NT's Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
software on the PBX.
Price Structure:
The pricing for the Meridian Link Module is not straightforward. The
PBX must be Meridian ready which means that the PBX must be upgraded to
the latest release of operating software. This may require a hardware
upgrade as well.
The cost to add the Meridian Link Module to the NT PBX will run between
$31K and $82K depending on the number of agents and size of the PBX.
Computer Partners: HP (ACT), DEC (CIT), IBM (CallPath), Tandem (CAM)
Northern Telecom - CompuCall
Product Description:
CompuCall is the Northern Telecom call processing link product for the
NT DMS-100 Central Office switch and the NT SL-100 PBX.
CompuCall only works in an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
environment. The SL-100 PBX is a very large PBX and in fact utilizes
the same hardware and much of the same software as the DMS-100 Central
Office switch.
The DMS-100 central office switch is located at a telephone company
office and CENTREX services are sold to end customers by that telephone
company. In these cases a CENTREX ACD service is also sold to the end
Northern has also packaged the DMS-100/CENTREX-ACD into the Meridian ACD
Server product that can front-end any existing central office switch.
CompuCall is also available on this product.
The CompuCall Link is a leased service between the DMS-100 and an ACT
server located at the customer site.
The services available from the CompuCall link will be marketed by the
local telephone company, probably under a different name than CompuCall.
Price Structure:
The price for these services will be determined by the local telephone
company. They may provide it to the first customers on a special
assembly quote. They will also file a tariff with the local regulatory
agency which will provide a standard price for all customers of that
telephone company.
One major benefit is that there is a very low initial investment to
start receiving these services when compared to purchasing or updating
a PBX. The major issue with this product is availability, so check to
make sure it is available in your customer's location.
Computer Partners: HP (ACT), IBM (CallPath), DEC (CIT)
Northern Telecom - Related Products:
Meridian Telecenter - an office automation product that simplifies
personal telephone use via Apple Mac or MS-DOS windows access. Special
digital phone sets from NT are required.
Meridian Access - an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) product that
utilizes the voice mail product on the Meridian PBX.
Meridian Mail - NT's voice mail product. It is integrated into the PBX.
Meridian Applications Module (MAM) - a 68000 based module which is
integrated into the Meridian PBX hardware that provides for
application development under UNIX. NT is attempting to promote this
as a general purpose applications processor inside the PBX. They are
recruiting VABs to write applications for it. The MAM can introduce
confusion into the sales process. However, except for a few example,
where the VAB wants to drive the cost down by not requiring a separate
computer, it is not a threat.
AT&T - Call Visor ASAI
Product Description:
AT&T's call processing link product is called Call Visor and it utilizes
AT&T's Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI) interface protocol
specification. It is AT&T's strategic program for PBX-Computer products.
ASAI is an interface specification that AT&T positions as an "open"
interface but it is an AT&T proprietary interface.
Call Visor is available on AT&T's Generic 3 PBX line only.
Historically, AT&T's PBX product line was based on two models, the
System 75 and the System 85. The 75 was geared toward the medium line
size and the 85 was targeted at the large installations.
Several years ago AT&T announced the evolution of these two product
lines to a new "Definity" line. The 75 became the Definity Generic 1
(G1) and the 85 became the Definity Generic 2 (G2) with common Universal
Modules but different CPU's and software. In 1992, AT&T announced their
new PBX system--the Generic 3 (G3) which also uses these same modules.
The G3 is what is being sold today.
Price Structure: Call Visor cost is $50K.
For G3, this is the only additional cost. For the 75/G1 and the 85/G2
there will be a cost to upgrade to the G3. This can run from $7K to
$100K+ depending on how old the PBX system is.
The AT&T PBX does NOT require ACD software to use the ASAI Gateway.
Computer Partners: HP (ACT), IBM (CallPath), DEC (CIT), Tandem (CAM),
NCR, Novell
AT&T - Related Products:
ISDN Gateway (IG)- this was AT&T's first product in the PBX-Computer
interface area. It is application software for a 3B2 computer and
handles ANI/DNIS delivery for inbound calls only. It is a pre-ASAI
product and has a very uncertain future. AT&T positions the "IG "as
a stepping stone to the Call Visor ASAI product. It is available on
the 75/G1 and the 85/G2 but not on the G3.
ASAI Gateway (AG)- this is a product based on a 3B2/600 minicomputer
today, handling inbound and outbound calling applications and supporting
a subset of the ASAI message protocol. AT&T positions the "AG" as a
stepping stone to the Call Visor ASAI product. It is available on the
85/G2 but not on the G3. It costs $100K.
Conversant - AT&T's interactive voice response product (IVR).
Audix - AT&T's voice mail product.
Product Description:
CallBridge is the new ROLM / SIEMENS call processing link interface
product. It will support the newer ROLM and SIEMENS HICOM PBX's. It
is based on the European Computer Manufactures Association (ECMA)
interface specifications.
It is only available on the new ROLM PBX's.
Price Structure: Not yet available.
Computer Partners: IBM (CallPath), DEC (CIT), SIEMENS computers
ROLM/SIEMENS - Related Products
CallPath/9751 is a ROLM product. This is software that runs on the ROLM
9751 PBX. It is used with old IBM CallPath/Host software on the S/370
and costs $25K.
IBM's 9270, DirectTalk/2 and DirectTalk/6000 are IBM's interactive
voice response products. They can be marketed by IBM or the "ROLM
Appendix H Competitive Analysis
This appendix contains an analysis of our key computer competitors:
IBM DEC Tandem
Sun is not included because they do not have a product offering in this
area. Each competitor is discussed in general followed by a detailed
description of their products.
Remember that this technology requires both the computer side and the
telecom side. Each vendor has a different name for their product.
IBM - Competitive Summary
IBM's product strategy has evolved dramatically over the last few years.
As a result of the ROLM acquisition by IBM in the early 1980's, IBM was
totally focused on integration with the ROLM PBX. When IBM sold ROLM to
SIEMENS in 1989 their strategy changed. IBM quickly assumed a
multivendor product strategy and now have connectivity to all leading
switches vendors.
As a result of this shift, they had a collection of inconsistent
products that they needed to evolve (First TAS/400, a ROLM based PC/ROLM
phone solution, then CallPath/Host, and the 9270 Interactive Voice
Response product).
In 1990, IBM identified this area to be of strategic importance and
introduced a new overall product strategy called the "CallPath Services
Architecture" (CSA). CSA is now available on the 370, AS/400, OS/2 &
RS/6000 series of processors.
IBM has also announced "CallPath Services" which are consulting products
that deliver system integration services to bring together the total
solution (computer & switch).
IBM - CallPath Services Architecture
Product Description:
CallPath Services Architecture is IBM's flagship program for the
PBX-Computer applications market. CallPath SA is an umbrella
architecture under which IBM has introduced:
CallPath/CICS/MVS for the S/370, S/390
CallPath/400 for the AS/400
CallPath/PS/2 for the PS/2
CallPath/6000 for the RS/6000
The CallPath SwitchServer/2 is a gateway software product that runs on
a PS/2 under OS/2 that provides the interface between the PBX and the
Host. The Host has the CallPath API.
Price Structure:
CallPath/CICS/MVS $7,110 to $146,650
CallPath/CICS/VSE $4,210 to $146,650
CallPath/400 $3,900 and $27,300
CallPath/PS/2 f $350 to $5,600
CallPath/6000 $350 to $5,600
CallPath SwitchServer/2 $10,000 software cost only
add PS/2 cost
Supported Switches:
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 PBX
Northern Telecom CO
AT&T Definity PBX
Ericsson PBX
IBM - Other Related Products
DirectRoute/2 began as a special project that IBM did for a major
customer--Northeast Utilities. It is a PS/2 based application. It is
NOT part of CallPath Services Architecture which makes it a
non-strategic product.
DR/2 is relatively easy to implement. ANI and DNIS are delivered to the
agent's desktop from the DR/2 gateway. Each agent PS/2 must have the
complete customer/phone number database because the match-up between the
customer's phone number and customer file is done at the PS/2. The PS/2
has a 3270 emulation script which emulates, keystroke by keystroke, what
the agent would type in to pull up the customer file. By using this
approach, very few modifications need to occur on the mainframe side.
The host processor "believes" it is communicating with an agent at a
3270 terminal. DirectRoute/2 Gateway: $2,145 for software plus a PS/2
with Token Ring LAN.
Each agent: DR/2 Agent software, $2,145, plus a PS/2 with 3270 terminal
emulation and Token Ring LAN.
CallCoordinator - is IBM's next generation of DirectRoute/2. It is
their simple/easy to implement call center solution that uses CallPath.
Inbound is priced from $58K to $220K. Outbound is priced from $44K to
DirectTalk/2 and DirectTalk/6000 - IBM's most recent interactive voice
response products, the DirectTalk/2 and DirectTalk/6000 are based on
the PS/2 and RS/6000 platforms. Both models provide access via terminal
emulation to the AS/400, S/390 and RS/6000 line of processors. While
these products are "part of the CallPath family" according to IBM,
they are not totally integrated with CallPath Services Architecture.
Depending on configuration, DirectTalk/2 is priced from $23,450 to
$49,200. DirectTalk/6000 prices range from $41,000 to $149,360.
DEC - Competitive Summary
DEC has had the longest presence of any computer vendor in this area.
They were the first to market with their product Computer Integrated
Telephony (CIT) in 1988. They were ahead of the market, the telephone
network infrastructure and the telephone switch vendors ability to
provide the required services to fully use CIT.
They are also using CIT as a "lock-in" strategy for VMS and DECNET
although they did introduce CIT for their UNIX OS.
They are now saying "don't wait for standards, DEC has it now."
DEC - Computer Integrated Telephony (CIT)
Product Description:
There are two components of CIT;
CIT Server is the software that interfaces with the telephone switch.
It runs on a VAX under VMS.
CIT Applications Interface is the client software that runs on the
applications processor. The server and applications interface can run
on the same VAX machine if it is running VMS.
CIT Application Interface is also available on their UNIX OS called
Ultrix, however the server must run on a separate VMS processor.
Price Structure:
CIT Server Software(3.0); $6,900 for the software only.
CIT Applications Interface Software is available for VMS & Ultrix and
priced from $1,035 to $43,332 depending on the size of processor.
Supported Switches:
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 PBX's
Northern Telecom CO
Mitel PBX
AT&T Definity PBX
Ericsson PBX
Aspect ACD
DEC - Related Products:
DECigs - software to interface with AT&T's ISDN Gateway. Inbound calling
only. DECigs - $50,000
DECagw - software to interface with AT&T's ASAI gateway. DECagw-$50,000
DECvoice - an interactive voice response unit that can be integrated at
the application level with CIT. Very expensive, requires a microVAX,
and the product is priced from $32,000 to $130,766.
DECtalk - a speech synthesizer, accepts ASCII words and attempts to
speak them. Speech sounds very computerized. It is a separate box
that connects to the VAX via RS232 and a telephone line on the other
end. $10,000.
TANDEM - Competitive Summary
Tandem was the latest computer vendor to introduce a product. They
already have a presence in their call center market with their fault
tolerant computers. This is a natural extension to their business.
TANDEM - Call Applications Manager (CAM)
Product Description:
CAM - hardware and software for the NonStop family of processors using
the Guardian operating system.
Price Structure:
CAM pricing ranges from $11,310 to $59,570.
Supported Switches:
NT Meridian 1 PBX